Music Therapist Victoria Muñoz

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Saturday, June 02, 2012

POETRY SALON 2012 presents Not For Poets Only! Saturday, June 9, 2:30pm-5:30pm Hosted by Victoria Muñoz This year’s Poetry Salon will be held at what may just be the coolest venue yet! The Phoenix Rising Center, A Multi Dimensional Arts Center in Northwestern Connecticut (at the old Seth Thomas Factory) Bring original writings you can share in a "Round Robin" style of reading/sharing with other writers, (Poets, story tellers, novelists). Poets will have 5 minutes, and longer pieces of work will have 10 - 15 minutes at a time. Bring some nosh to share and $5. Proceeds will go to the Phoenix and the Poetry Salon. We will continue our tradition of networking, so do bring books for the book table that you'd like to sell and or fliers of upcoming readings etc. Surprise special guest/ Raffle See you there!! located at: 135 South Main Street Thomaston, CT 860- 294-1156 (Just 10 minutes north of Waterbury, CT)